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Palette the Owl

Official Mascot of the Columbus College of Art & Design

December 2016, Columbus College of Art and Design held a mascot design contest where students could submit their designs for the new mascot. Months prior, a survey had been released and the student body decided that they'd like to be the CCAD Owls.

I submitted my design a few days before the deadline in January 2017. In February, I was contacted by the Student Government and a meeting was scheduled for me to speak with them. At the time, I had no idea why.

I was sat down and congratulated and then given a list of changes to make to my little owl friend. Through some crunch, the revisions were completed over a weekend.

In March, Palette was revealed to the student body and alumni via a Facebook post and a Columbus Dispatch article. Palette was met with some backlash, most claiming that an Art College doesn't need a mascot. Overall, most liked my feathered friend and are excited to see what the school will do with him.

 © 2022 by Kane Pickett. Created with

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